Sunday, January 20, 2008

Rose Quartz - a love stone inside and out.

With its beautiful rose-red appearance, rose quartz looks like it was made especially for Valentine's Day. But beneath its veil are some impressive metaphysical features that epitomize the spirit of the holiday.

The gemstone is said to balance emotions, inner peace and harmony, and strengthening one's appreciation for the arts. It is also said to increase self-esteem and confidence, while enhancing one's compassion, patience, and forgiveness. Rose Quartz is also known to benefit one's cardiovascular system, sinus problems, and sexual dysfunction. But most important of all, it is often associated with love, known to many as the "Love Stone" for its romantic powers.

Rose Quartz Jewelry:

Delicate Shoulder Dusters: Rose Quartz & Pearls

Rose Quartz & Pearls Silver Tassels Necklace

Check out more rose quartz jewelry in our Valentine's Rose Quartz Collection.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

January's Birthstone - Garnet

Behind its beautiful deep-red appearance, garnet isn't just a pretty stone. The stone's been known to man for thousands of years, highly regarded for its protective abilities. It also symbolizes grace, compassion, fidelity, faith and courage.

A symbol of protection
It is said that Noah used a garnet lantern to steers is ark through the night. Its bearers have also believed it to to protect them from evil and disaster.

A positive energy
The stone is also to known to improve relationships, and interestingly, business. Garnet's vibrations and energies stirs creativity and prevents chaos. It also encourages cooperation and enhances a person's charisma, making the person attractive emotionally and physically to others.

Garnet Jewelry

Garnet Drop Necklace

Garnet Eyewear Necklace

Garnet Gold Necklace