Tuesday, January 8, 2008

January's Birthstone - Garnet

Behind its beautiful deep-red appearance, garnet isn't just a pretty stone. The stone's been known to man for thousands of years, highly regarded for its protective abilities. It also symbolizes grace, compassion, fidelity, faith and courage.

A symbol of protection
It is said that Noah used a garnet lantern to steers is ark through the night. Its bearers have also believed it to to protect them from evil and disaster.

A positive energy
The stone is also to known to improve relationships, and interestingly, business. Garnet's vibrations and energies stirs creativity and prevents chaos. It also encourages cooperation and enhances a person's charisma, making the person attractive emotionally and physically to others.

Garnet Jewelry

Garnet Drop Necklace

Garnet Eyewear Necklace

Garnet Gold Necklace


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